Johan Eskils
print("Hello World!")

A syntax, that means something special to me. Learning Python changed my professional trajectory and sent me across the Atlantic in 2019.

image of me

About Me


My background is in Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry with over 25 years experience from working in pharmaceutical and hospital laboratories. I went back to the university in 2018 and as part of a Bioinformatics course I learned to code with Python. Learning Python and Bioinformatics gave me an opportunity to spend three summer weeks in USA in 2019 as a visiting student at UTD.



Quality Assurance

In the laboratories I have performed various types of statistical analysis on data from laboratory information systems (LIS) and analytical instruments. Part of my QA work included compliance testing of software. I have several years of experience as a system administrator of a LIS used for point of care instruments.

Computational Chemistry

Computational chemistry uses math and computer simulations to understand how molecules behave. It helps predicting how chemicals will act without having to do experiments in the lab.

I have experience of using very simple calculations to more advanced computations using multivariate statistics and information theory.

Two parts of research training in Bioinformatics;

Write a python script that calculate the Mutual Information a basic part of information theory.

Evaluate mean field Direct Coupling Analysis (mfDCA) in collaboration with prof. F. Morcos at University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).


Human Growth Hormone PDB:1HGU

Bild 1

In my Bioinformatics master's thesis project, I evaluated the predictive capability of Mutual Information in determining epileptic seizures.



My portfolio is built on the projects I worked on as an AI-Developer Student at Jensen YH. You can find more detailed information in the README files on GitHub. I've also improved the functionality and rewritten some code to learn more, satisfy my curiosity, and fix parts I wasn't happy with.


A Flask-based web API that retrieves book and author data and handles basic database operations like create, read, update, and delete (CRUD).


A Flask-based web API TODO-List that handles basic (CRUD) operations like create, read, update, and delete on a single JSON-file.


Data analysis performed on Wine-reviews with Pandas, PySpark, Parquet

A porfolio list

Author Data Fetch with Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, PySpark and Parquet.


"Johan is self-starting, self-training, and creative. He taught himself all he needed regarding Python and information theory to complete his MS thesis project in Bioinformatics with me at Stockholm University."

Samuel Coulbourn Flores, Docent

Dean of Students for the Swedish National Graduate School in Medical Bioinformatics Department of Biochemistry and Biophysic, Stockholm University

"Jag och Johan samarbetade med att hantera instrumentanslutningar för vården i hela Stockholmsregionen. En process som kräver en förmåga att kunna analysera kommunikationsprotokoll mellan instrument och servrar. Johan arbetade även med komplex integrering av användarinformation (anställda med olika instrument-behörigheter men inte nödvändigtvis olika avdelningar)."

Alexander Rokhlin, Teknisk Expert, IT-Handläggare

Karolinska Universitets Sjukhuset, Medicinsk Diagnostik, Lab-IT

"Johan har en stor kunskap, god problemlösningsförmåga och tar sig an utmaningar med glädje. Han levererar alltid det han ska och mer därtill i tid. Johan är hjälpsam och samtidigt som han själv presterar vill han att andra ska lyckas!"

Marie Bayard, AI-Developer Student

Contact Me

To get in contact with me send an email or message me on Linked-IN